Nosara & Playa Guiones
Just like Santa Teresa, Nosara is also located at the Nicoya Peninsula, only about 60-70 kilometers north from Santa Teresa, in the event that you now could travel bird-flight. The shortest distance by road is 130 kilometers. That is when it whatsoever is possible to drive these so called roads which at this time of the year apparently are flooded at certain points and hence forcing you to make huge detours. Going from Santa Teresa to Nosara by public transportation is even worse, since the local buses only go on certain routes with multiple interconnections which are not always as smooth as one could wish. Anyway, me and Emilia decided to go to Nosara or rather, to Playa Guiones which was our final destination. We went there by public transportation, starting early morning at 6 a.m. Arriving to final destination at 8 p.m... Tired and exhausted we finally found our place for the night, a filthy hostel called Burned Toast hostel. We intented to stay at this hostel for two nights but a dozen crawling centipedes in the shared bathroom/shower and a room that reeked from mold made us move out the morning after already. But, from here on things went better and we ended up staying a few nights in a beautiful Airbnb house in Playa Guiones. We really enjoyed staying in this calm coast village with its vast and not too crowded beach. The wave break in Playa Guiones is smaller than in Santa Teresa and surfing was therefore more manageable than in Santa Teresa.

One major downside with Playa Guiones was the high price level. One day I bought an avocado for 1550 colones which is like 23 sek! In comparison the cost for a banana was 0,75 sek. But in average prices were ridiculously high in Nosara, we were told they that the prices were about 5-6 times higher than in San Jose.